Product Serialization

What is Product Serialization?

Product Serialization is the process of assigning unique identifiers, such as serial numbers or codes, to individual products or units during the manufacturing or packaging stage. These identifiers enable tracking and tracing of products throughout the supply chain, from production to distribution and beyond.

Unique Identifiers:

Acviss’s product serialization solutions assign unique identifiers, such as serial numbers, QR codes, or RFID tags, to individual products, enabling precise tracking and authentication.

Supply Chain Visibility:

By serializing products, brands gain visibility into their supply chain, allowing them to monitor product movements, detect anomalies, and improve inventory management and logistics.

Counterfeit Prevention:

Serialization helps deter counterfeiting by making it easier to identify and authenticate genuine products, enabling brands and consumers to verify product authenticity and combat counterfeit goods.

Regulatory Compliance:

Many industries have regulations requiring product serialization for traceability and safety purposes. Acviss’s solutions help brands comply with these regulations and demonstrate their commitment to product quality and safety.


  1. Why is it important?

    • Product serialization is important for several reasons:
      • It enhances supply chain visibility, allowing brands to monitor product movements and improve inventory management.
      • It helps combat counterfeiting by making it easier to identify and authenticate genuine products.
      • It ensures regulatory compliance in industries where product traceability is required for safety and quality assurance.
  2. How does it work?

    • Product serialization works by assigning a unique identifier to each product during the manufacturing or packaging process. This identifier is then encoded into a barcode, non cloneable labels / QR codes, or RFID tag, which can be scanned and tracked throughout the supply chain.
  3. What are the benefits of it for brands?

    • The benefits of product serialization for brands include:
      • Improved supply chain visibility and inventory management.
      • Reduced risk of counterfeit products entering the market.
      • Enhanced brand reputation and consumer trust.
      • Compliance with industry regulations and standards.
  4. Can it be integrated with existing systems?

    • Yes, product serialization solutions can be integrated with existing systems, such as inventory management software or ERP systems, to streamline operations and enhance efficiency.
  5. How can brands implement product serialization?

    • Brands can implement product serialization by partnering with a provider like Acviss, who offers comprehensive serialization solutions. The process typically involves assessing the brand’s needs, designing a serialization strategy, implementing the necessary technology, and training personnel on how to use it effectively.
  6. What industries can benefit from it ?

  7. What is the cost of implementing it?

    • The cost of implementing product serialization depends on various factors, including the size of the brand, the complexity of its supply chain, and the specific requirements of the serialization solution. Acviss offers customized solutions tailored to each brand’s needs and budget.

Empower your supply chain with Acviss’s product serialization solutions. Explore Origin to learn more about our traceability solutions