Non-Cloneable Labels

What is Non Cloneable Labels?

Security features or technologies integrated into labels, packaging, or products to make them difficult or impossible to replicate or counterfeit. These labels are designed to prevent unauthorized duplication or copying of the original product, thereby safeguarding the brand's reputation and protecting consumers from counterfeit goods.
Acviss Non cloneable labels | Hologram Labels


Non-cloneable labels often utilize advanced materials, printing techniques, or digital technologies to create unique identifiers or authentication features that are extremely challenging for counterfeiters to reproduce accurately. These features may include Microtext, Holograms, colour-shifting inks and unique serial numbers as such.

Non cloneable labels often utilize advanced materials, printing techniques, or digital technologies to create unique identifiers or authentication features that are extremely challenging for counterfeiters to reproduce accurately. These features may include Microtext, Holograms, colour-shifting inks and unique serial numbers etc.

Try Uniqolabel, if you are looking for a Holographic Solutions for your brand.

Benefits for Each Industry:

The benefits of non-cloneable labels vary across industries but include common advantages such as:

  • Ensuring product authenticity and integrity
  • Enhancing consumer trust and brand reputation
  • Protecting against revenue loss due to counterfeit sales
  • Meeting regulatory requirements and compliance standards
  • Facilitating product traceability and supply chain visibility
  • Preventing potential risks to consumer health and safety

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